Vision And Mission of The Company


"To be a quality-conscious global corporate compliance advisory firm, leveraging technology to empower businesses worldwide."


"We strive to continuously invest in enhancing knowledge, refining processes, and providing unparalleled quality, while prioritizing client interests and positioning ourselves as their strategic partner. Embracing new technologies and digital tools, we aim to amplify productivity and deliver excellence as a globally leading Corporate Advisory firm."

Scope and Purpose of the Code

This Code sets out how we behave with:
our employees, or those who work with us;
our clients;
the communities and the environment in which we operate;
the Governments of the countries in which we operate

In this Code, “we or us” means our company, our Directors, officers, employees and those who work with us, as the context may require. This Code sets out our expectations of all those who work with us. We also expect those who deal with us to be aware that this Code underpins everything we do, and in order to work with us they need to act in a manner consistent with it.

Our Core Principles

We are committed to operating our businesses conforming to the highest moral and ethical standards. We do not tolerate bribery or corruption in any form. This commitment underpins everything that we do.

We are committed to good corporate citizenship. We treat value systems which form the core of our culture as an integral part of our business plan.

We seek to avoid any project or activity that is detrimental to the wider interests of the communities in which we operate.

We shall not compromise on ethics in the pursuit of commercial advantage. We shall strive to provide a safe, healthy and value based working environment for our employees and all those who work with us.

When representing our company, we shall act with professionalism, honesty and integrity, and conform to the highest moral and ethical standards. Our conduct shall be fair and transparent and be perceived as fair and transparent by third parties.

We shall respect the human rights and dignity of all our stakeholders.

We shall strive to balance the interests of our stakeholders, treating each of them fairly and avoiding unfair discrimination of any kind.

The statements that we make to our stakeholders shall be truthful and made in good faith.

We shall not engage in any restrictive or unfair trade practices.

We shall provide avenues for our stakeholders to raise concerns or queries in good faith, or report instances of actual or perceived violations of our Code.

We shall strive to create an environment free from fear of retribution to deal with concerns that are raised or cases reported in good faith. No one shall be punished or made to suffer for raising concerns or making disclosures in good faith or in the public interest.

We expect the leaders of our verticles to demonstrate their commitment to the ethical standards set out in this Code through their own behaviour and by establishing appropriate processes within their companies.

We shall comply with the laws of the countries in which we operate and any other laws which apply to us. With regard to those provisions of the Code that are explicitly dealt with under an applicable law or employment terms, the law and those terms shall take precedence. In the event that the standards prescribed under any applicable law are lower than that of the Code, we shall conduct ourselves as per the provisions of the Code.

Our Employees

Equal opportunity employer

We provide equal opportunities to all our employees and to all eligible applicants for employment in our company. We do not unfairly discriminate on any ground, including race, caste, religion, colour, ancestry, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, ethnic origin, disability or any other category protected by applicable law.

When recruiting, developing and promoting our employees, our decisions will be based solely on performance, merit, competence and potential.

We shall have fair, transparent and clear employee policies which promote diversity and equality, in accordance with applicable law and other provisions of this Code. These policies shall provide for clear terms of employment, training, development and performance management.

Dignity and respect

Our leaders shall be responsible for creating a conducive work environment built on tolerance, understanding, mutual cooperation and respect for individual privacy.

Everyone in our work environment must be treated with dignity and respect. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, whether sexual, physical, verbal or psychological.

We have clear and fair disciplinary procedures, which necessarily include an employee’s right to be heard.

We respect our employees’ right to privacy. We have no concern with their conduct outside our work environment, unless such conduct impairs their work performance, creates conflicts of interest or adversely affects our reputation or professional interests.

Human Rights

We do not employ children at our workplaces.

We do not use forced labour in any form. We do not confiscate personal documents of our employees, or force them to make any payment to us or to anyone else in order to secure employment with us, or to work with us.

Bribery and Corruption

Our employees shall not, directly or indirectly, offer or receive any illegal or improper payments or comparable benefits that are intended or perceived to obtain undue favours for the conduct of our business.

Freedom of Association

We recognise that employees may be interested in joining associations or involving themselves in civic or public affairs in their personal capacities, provided such activities do not create an actual or potential conflict with the interests of our company. Our employees must notify and seek prior approval for any such activity as per the ‘Conflicts of Interest’ clause of this Code and in accordance with applicable company policies and law.

Integrity of Information and Assets

Our employees shall not make any willful omissions or material misrepresentation that would compromise the integrity of our records, internal or external communications and reports

Our employees shall seek proper authorisation prior to disclosing company or business-related information. This includes disclosures through any forum or media, including through social media.

Our employees shall ensure the integrity of personal data or information provided by them to our company. We shall safeguard the privacy of all such data or information given to us in accordance with applicable company policies or law.

Our employees shall respect and protect all confidential information and intellectual property of our company.

Our employees shall safeguard the confidentiality of all third party intellectual property and data. Our employees shall not misuse such intellectual property and data that comes into their possession and shall not share it with anyone, except in accordance with applicable company policies or law.

Our employees shall promptly report the loss, theft or destruction of any confidential information or intellectual property and data of our company or that of any third party. Our employees shall use all company assets, tangible and intangible, including computer and communication equipment, for the purpose for which they are provided and in order to conduct our business. Such assets shall not be misused. We shall establish processes to minimise the risk of fraud, and misappropriation or misuse of our assets.

We shall comply with all applicable anti-money laundering, anti-fraud and anti-corruption laws and we shall establish processes to check for and prevent any breaches of such laws.

Conflicts of Interest

Our employees shall always act in the interest of our company and ensure that any business or personal association including close personal relationships which they may have, does not create a conflict of interest with their roles and duties in our company or the operations of our company. Further, our employees and executive directors shall not engage in any business, relationship or activity, which might conflict with the interest of our company or our group companies.

Should any actual or potential conflicts of interest arise, the concerned person must immediately report such conflicts and seek approvals as required by applicable law and company policy.

Our Clients

Our dealings with our clients shall be professional, fair and transparent. We respect our clients’ right to privacy in relation to their personal data. We shall safeguard our clients’ personal data, in accordance with applicable law.


We shall act in accordance with the constitution and governance systems of the countries in which we operate. We do not seek to influence the outcome of public elections, nor to undermine or alter any system of government.

We do not support any specific political party or candidate for political office. Our conduct must preclude any activity that could be interpreted as mutual dependence/favour with any political body or person, and we do not offer or give any company funds or property or other resources as donations to any specific political party, candidate or campaign.

We engage with the government and regulators in a constructive manner in order to promote good governance. We conduct our interactions with them in a manner consistent with our Code

Raising Concerns

We encourage our employees, clients, vendors and other stakeholders to raise concerns or make disclosures when they become aware of any actual or potential violation of our Code, policies or law. We also encourage reporting of any event (actual or potential) of misconduct that is not reflective of our values and principles.

Avenues available for raising concerns or queries or reporting cases shall be via email to

We do not tolerate any form of retaliation against anyone reporting legitimate concerns. Anyone involved in targeting such a person will be subject to disciplinary action. If you suspect that you or someone you know has been subjected to retaliation for raising a concern or for reporting a case, we encourage you to promptly contact the Board of Directors

This Code is more than a set of prescriptive guidelines issued solely for the purpose of formal compliance. It represents our collective commitment to our value system and to our core principles.

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